Genevieve Folkedahl

I am a medium & a channel of the ancestors. My journey of rediscovering who I am, and what I came to this Earth to do, has led me on this path. I guide you through connecting with your ancestors and channel the messages that are needed for you to navigate in greatest alignment with who you are, and who you came here to be.

 My human name is Genevieve, & in this incarnation I am a Reflector in Human Design. I bring an ancient wisdom that breaks through modernity and restores a way of life that is aligned with the elements. Part of my purpose in this life is to be the voice for those that don’t have one. I bring love to all that is living. I walk between the two worlds, on a path guided by the medicine of my lineage. I came here to assist in radical, and sustainable change. I am here to be an assistant to those that are awakening to their own purpose & medicine. I hold space for releasing the shackles that humanity has carried and suppressed others with for centuries.

I grew up on an organic farm in western WI, to parents who always did things a little differently. I was a very sensitive child- a seer, but without context as to what that meant. I went to UW-Madison, got the degree, went through the motions, you know, the typical story. Got out of college, traveled a lot, lived in a few different places - I landed a solid corporate job, made great money, had an awesome team, all the things. But throughout this whole process, I could see deeper, I could see the missing pieces, the energy in people's lives, and why things weren’t lining up for them like they wanted, the deeper work that needed to be done, not only within others, but first within myself.

The process of stepping into this version of me has been a long, exhausting journey. One that took many layers of unfolding, of breaking open, shattering, and putting the pieces back together in my own way. In a way that was always meant for me. I did this with assistance from many teachers, but most notable, Elder Malidoma Somé. Throughout this process I discovered that I would be labeled a psychic-medium, and that I had an incredible talent to hold space for other people. While that is beautiful, I also discovered that people can only have sustainable change and growth if they are willing to put in the work that it takes, to heal their ancestral lineages, de-program, re-write, and re-program their own subconscious mind and heal their inner-child, I can hold the space, and assist in the journey, but it is only us, who can heal ourselves.


 Ancestral/Elevated Energy Healing

When we heal our lineage, we heal ourselves, and those that come after us, as well as assist in healing those that we as a lineage inflicted pain upon (both consciously & unconsciously). This is the key to real, impactful change on a personal, familial, and societal level.